Phrixus The olden days version of

Wanted: Time for fun

It is apparent that I have been a lapse lately with most of my hobbies and interests for the last couple of months. This site is not regularly updated, I have not been out with my camera (though it is getting plenty of use!), I haven’t sat and used my computer for any length of time and finally… I haven’t been out sailing much. What could be the problem? Well I have some answers….

Having just bought a new house, I have been very busy with a bit of renovation. My computer is on the verge of meltdown (it keeps hardware resetting itself). And most importantly… its summer… and its time to be outside whenever possible… not sure how this explains the sailing!?!?

My mind is starting to yearn for some techie things again now and so the building of my custom ‘Digital Darkroom’ will be taking a step up within a week or two. If only I could fix the computer!!!