Phrixus The olden days version of

Unstable Platform

What should I do about computers? I am now somewhat unsure of which way I need to move. At the moment I have a Mac mini, a Windows PC, 2 Linux Servers and a laptop (that has been commandeered by my mother who has been eaten by the eBay bug). I need a new laptop as a priority but my main computer could do with an extensive upgrade aswell. Two weeks ago I was set to buy a Powerbook initially to cover the laptop side of things. This would let me retire the Linux servers into other homes and use the Mac mini as my main server. The plan was to then get all of the software I would need on the Mac platform before shutting down my PC and investing in a Power Mac. Unfortunately, things change… including the architecture of Apple’s computers! At this stage, I am not sure I can move to Mac’s completely until the new machines are released. Apple has claimed that they will support PPC for a long time, but in computers that could be just a few months. My instincts tell me to keep my current PC for as long as possible (It’s not really that bad, I just like to have the latest and greatest!) and buy a new PC laptop to use for the next couple of years. Is that the right way to go? I am not sure but if you have any thoughts, please feel free to offer advice!