Phrixus The olden days version of

Customer (dis)Service

Leigh has placed a post on his site about the last couple of races and a small note about the ‘Boathouse’ in Guernsey where we ate breakfast. I would like to expand on his comments as I am still in shock over how bad the service actually was, I mean, how many times should you have to ask for milk?? There was not one part of the transaction that went through with no mistakes. The staff do not speak a work of English and one strutting Eastern-European-like person has a face like stone and an attitude akin to an unemployed German who has been given a uniform and instructed to manage some traffic. Now if he should read this, I would like to point out that people usually ask for things to be excluded from the plate because they don’t like them, not because they do not have enough money to pay!!! I can categorically state that I will not be (willingly) going there again!