Phrixus The olden days version of

Updates and steps back

With the 3 new projects I am about to embark on in one sweep, I thought I should get my affairs into order first. As my time developing this site will be restricted for a number of weeks, I decided to fix a couple of CSS and design issues I had. The most challenging thing I finally got fixed was a problem with overlapping floats. If I posted a picture into a small amount of text, it would overlap into the next post and shift the text fouling my layout. I was prompted to take action on this as it was an instant issue on my Videos page! This is now fixed as you can see in the post about the Curta below… the box is the height of the image. I believe that my fix will work in all known browsers which is a plus although I have only tested in Firefox and IE. The step back was when I had made my changes and I cut all the text from the Curta post to try the solution… problem was that I then went and cut & pasted some more code and lost all of the original text… nightmare :-( ! Luckily I was able to write a more concise posting without fear of the image ending up half inside the Tickle-me-Laserjet post!

The other thing I have got around to is the style of the comments which was standard before. As I have just implemented Gravatars into the site… I thought I should sort out the formatting. I am now pleased with the style of this area… leave some comments to try it out!!