Phrixus The olden days version of

Just Listen to Those Graphics

For doing Math calculations, what is the most powerful bit of kit in your PC? … Whats that you say?… Your 64Bit 3GHz AMD Athlon 64! Nope.. try your graphics card. On average today, a PC’s main processor is capable of 5 or so gigaflops, the same as the Cray 3 Supercomputer in 1989. A cutting edge graphics card is generally capable of about 40 gigaflops or more. The innovative company, BionicFX, noticed this and has created the world’s first commercial application to process non-graphic data on your GPU. The new application relies on Audio Video EXchange (AVEX), a technology which transforms real-time audio into video and performs effect processing on your NVIDIA GPU. It will be interesting to see what the next stage of this revolution will be! Good work guys!!