Phrixus The olden days version of

Screw It

What an adventure. I took the back off of my non-working television set and made a very interesting discovery. I found a screw stuck under a resistor that was just touching another component and apparently shorting itself out. Interestingly, this screw was in very tightly and I am sure it could not have just recently fallen in to that position. It is conceivable that it shifted through vibration or heat though as on Sunday the set had been run for an extended period whilst watching 24. This leads me to believe then that it has been there since it was manufactured 7 years ago and would explain why this has happened previously. Last time though I paid £50 for a repairman to take the set away and fix a ‘Dry Solder’ joint!!! What he meant is that when the set got to his workshop it worked fine because the screw had moved!!! I am not happy about that.. I am very happy though that I don’t need to go and buy a Plasma replacement…. or am I?? :-/