Phrixus The olden days version of

Eastern Standard Tribe

Eastern Standard TribeI have just finished reading ‘Eastern Standard Tribe’ by Cory Doctorow. Yet again he has written a book that addresses human morals and ideas of society and how it is developing. It addresses these things as a natural element of the plot and as such you end up with a real understanding of the points being made. The style of writing is easy to read but watch the timeline, it jumps about a bit. Without doubt, the underlying messages will be discussion points for any other person that has read the book and understands it’s significance.

‘Eastern Standard Tribe’ is released under the ‘Creative Commons’ licence and is therefore freely distributable. I for one will place an order for the paperback when I next order from Amazon as I want to feel that I am giving something back. Having read all of Cory’s books… I would like to read more!

Head over to to download a copy for yourself