Phrixus The olden days version of

Malta – Part 1

What a day, Emma and I get up at 5AM (actually I got up at 5.30AM) after only a few hours sleep. Luckily she was no where near by to get me up earlier! This lack of sleep was the result of getting in some dutch courage at the pub the night before and being there till throw out!!
Off we go to the airport for 6.15 to find out the plane has been delayed for an hour. I suspect the wings have fallen off and take great pleasure in telling Emma that if it happened in the sky we wouldn’t need lifejackets!

Finally get to Gatwick and head straight for check-in, no rush required. We are told that we need to wait till 45 mins before the flight leaves before we could check-in as we were on standby and there were only 5 seats left (24 the previous day) so off we go to gadgetshop and other random shops. 1.5 hours later, back to check in, 3 seats left and we need to get to the plane quick as it is now boarding!

In Malta we find the only place in the world where the roads are worse than Guernsey. We take an expensive Taxi trip to the resort and later find out that we should have tipped the Taxi driver 10%..ooops. Last problem of the day… Emma’s new shower gel bottle gets exploded in her bag, so some fun with bubbles and then a very slippery floor. We have a look at the resort and head to the bars. A few drinks were needed before getting some much needed sleep in our very small single beds!!! Lets see what happens tomorrow, we have decided to take a bus!!!